Factory BI

Today’s connected factory generates gigabytes of data on a daily basis making decision making all the more complicated.
FactoryBI is the AI enabled business Intelligence software that helps you understand operations data through interactive dashboards and graphs. Through FactoryBI, you can collect, measure, analyse and track the performance of your factory on a real time and, at the same time, you can also get actionable insights.
The benefit of such a tool is that it allows your entire operations team to access your factory performance through easy clicks
The Factory BI Platform provides a mechanism to highlight the most complicated data in a quick concise and simple way

You may want to consider having a Business Analytics product for your factory if :

  1. You are part of a large team that requires visibility into your factory performance
  2. You manage a large factory with multiple product lines and multiple shifts
  3. You need to compare and combile your factory data with multiple datapoints and corporate KPIs
  4. You have ongoing factory improvement projects and need to critically examine the actual effects of those initiatives in your factory

Factory BI is an add-on module mounted on the ManufNext Industrial IOT platform.

Top KPIs that can be measured through factory BI

  • Performance Availibility
  • Availibility
  • Quality
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • First Time Through
  • Cycle Time Variations
  • Change over time variations
  • Down Time Analytics
  • Analytics on Minor stoppages
  • Startup losses
  • operator wise performance
  • Supervisor Performance
  • Shift performance
  • Quality Analysis
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